Online Check Order Form

Use this form for placing orders by online check or fill it out, print it and mail it to the address below. Be sure to fill in all information completely.

Enter the numbers from the bottom of your check as illustrated below. The first set of numbers is the nine digit bank routing code, the second set of numbers is your account number, the third set of numbers is the check number:

Note: If your check has this symbol disregard it, only enter the numbers.

Enter your name and address as on your check

Check #   

Enter your phone number (000-000-0000)

Pay to:  Sterling Books&Music Online

Written amount      Dollars

 Bank Name, City, State, Zip, as on check

Sign with your E-Mail Address:

Enter the numbers from the bottom of your check here


By Submitting this order you are authorizing Sterling Books&Music Online to draft a check in the amount above, and verifying you have read and understand that if your check is returned unpaid for any reason, you will be liable for the amount of the check, plus all returned check charges, and any other charges incurred in attempting to collect the amount due.

You may include any additional information here. If shipping address is different than address on check, please put correct shipping address here. Please feel free to include your comments.

Check funds must be drawn on a U.S. financial institution.
Funds are to be in US Dollars.

Sterling Books&Music Online
P.O. Box 892165
Oklahoma City, OK 73189-2165

Copyright 2000, Sterling Books&Music Online. All rights reserved.