Arvisom Distributor Page #205
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     This is your private AG&C "Distributor Page." The main purpose of this page is to provide you with a means of purchasing AG&C products for your customers online, at the low, wholesale prices to which you are entitled, as an AG&C Distributor.  DO NOT reveal your source to your customers.  Never mention "Arvisom" or "AG&C" to your customers.  If your customers discover your source, then, understandably, they will seek to bypass you, and purchase directly from AG&C at the lower wholesale price that you pay.  Your customers should see YOU as the source.
     We recommend that you adopt the simplest approach:  First, have your customers pre-pay for the products they want, at the higher retail price that you yourself have set; then, after deducting your profit, use the balance of the money received from your customers to purchase those products from us -- at your low yellow-list price.   Just click a "Buy Now" LINK on this page, to make your purchase.
     Now, a few words about the Arvisom Distributor Kit:  The Arvisom "Distributor Kit" can be purchased on this site. Purchase of this kit is not a requirement, in order to be an Arvisom distributor, since you may decide simply to inquire about the "yellow list" prices for a limited number of products and concentrate excusively on marketing these. This approach may prove satisfactory for those distributors who wish to focus on promotion of just a few items. Indeed, some distributors have even been successful, despite limiting their efforts to just a single product.
     However, buying the Arvisom Distributor Kit will make things a lot easier, and give you more options.  The Distributor Kit contains a substantial amount of material that will facilitate your efforts, and increase the likelihood of success.  For example, it includes the Arvisom catalogue, which lists the entire range of products you may offer to your customers (nearly 4,000 items).  Moreover, the "Yellow Price List" included in our Distributor Kit is especially helpful, since it allows you to quickly and easily determine the wholesale price for each item you wish to sell.
     In addition, this page also provides a place from which AG&C Distributors may direct their e-mail inquiries/communications to the Arvisom management team.
     One final point, if you do not already have a Website for marketing your products on the Internet, you can easily obtain a FREE Website from Tripod.  Here is a LINK to the Tripod site where you can obtain your own business Website:

Get Your Own Business Website

Arvisom Distributor Kit

Includes a variety of materials that will assist Arvisom distributors in making sales:  a complete catalogue of Arvisom products, special supply catalogue, training booklets, "yellow" price list, and a supply of "yellow" Fast-Action order forms.

Product Name:  AG&C Distributor Kit
Price:  $30.00

The Arvisom Opportunity
Key, Turning
Your Key to Success

To purchase products at your low, "yellow-list" price, click the "Buy Now" LINK below.  (If you already have an AG&C Distributor Kit, simply check your "Yellow Price List," to insure that you enter the correct amount for each item you want.  If you have chosen not to purchase a Distributor Kit, send an e-mail to , including your AG&C Distributor ID#, AND listing the items you want to purchase. We will then send you the wholesale amounts for those items):
Contact Information:

Click here, to edit your

Terms and Conditions

     To purchase products at your low, "yellow-list" price, click the "Buy Now" LINK below.  (If you already have an AG&C Distributor Kit, simply check your "Yellow Price List," to insure that you enter the correct amount for each item you want.  If you have chosen not to purchase a Distributor Kit, send an e-mail to , including your AG&C Distributor ID#, AND listing the items you want to purchase. We will then send you the wholesale amounts for those items):


As an Arvisom Distributor,
there is no limit on your potential earnings.
The greater your effort,
the greater your financial gain.
YOU decide!
YOU benefit from your decision!!!